Don and Natalie got married! Let's Party!
The Story:
So, before we were married, we had a plan to throw an anniversary party every 5 years we were together. Then Don went ahead and proposed just before our 10th anniversary. Three years later, in 2022, we got married. Due to the pandemic and all, we had a small ceremony on the beach at Carkeek Park. So, this year, we're combining the 15-year anniversary with the official reception! We're excited to celebrate with you all!
Reception Info:
Saturday, August 17th, 2024
1pm to 4pm
Icebox Arcade
615 NW Bright St.
Seattle, WA 98107
(Note: Parking is difficult! Try 8th, 44th, or 45th. You might have to walk a bit.
Carpool, bike, or bus if you can!)
All ages welcome!
Wear your comfiest coolest colorfulest summer inside/outside party outfit.
Complimentary drinks and games from Icebox.
Catering by Frelard Tamales. (Meat/veggie/vegan/gluten-free options.)
Opportunity for speeches, if you want.
Artist Autumn Eve will be making us a group portrait!